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PAIS Lab Seminar: Comparing business models using graph-edit distance // S. Ivanov

At the session of our seminar Sergey Ivanov (research assistant at PAIS Lab, 4-year student at CSF of HSE) succesfully presented the talk on subject: Comparing business models using graph-edit distance.

The business processes depend on various factors: new amendments to the legislation, changes in revenue sources, and economic progress. Complex and significant changes in business processes must be analyzed; also, the risks of such changes should be assessed. Therefore, analysts should compare different versions of a business process model before approving changes to detect similar or duplicated processes, explain the discrepancies between old and modified models, and improve operations. The aim of this work is to present a way of making a comparison between models of business process which are defined with BPMN notation. Presentation will include a definition and an example of finding graph-edit distance between two graphs and some modifications for executing this method for business processes.
