Registration for International Data Analysis Olympiad Now Open
The HSE Faculty of Computer Science, Yandex, and Otkritie Bank are holding the fifth International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO). There will be two competition stages: the qualifying round will last from February 1 to 28, 2022, and the finals will take place from April 16-17. Registration for the event is already underway.

‘One Year of Combined-Track Studies Expands Students’ Research Horizons’
HSE University continues to develop its new study format for students embarking on a research career: the Combined Master's-PhD track. This year, there will be 75 places for Master’s students on the track—two thirds more than last year. HSE Vice Rector Sergey Roshchin talks about the appeal of the combined-track option, how to enrol, and the achievements of last year’s applicants.
Eight new candidates of computer science in 2020
We are proud to announce that in 2020 eight candidates of computer science defended their theses at the Faculty. There have been six candidate defences in 2019. Prior to 2018, there were only degrees of candidate and doctor of technical or physical-mathematical sciences in Russia. Degrees in computer science have become possible due to HSE University's ability to grant its own degrees.

MACSPro-2020 Online Conference
On October 22-24, MACSPro-2020 (Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems and Processes) online conference has taken place. Its aim is the exchange of experience between the researchers working on theory and practice of complex system analysis in diverse areas ranging from astrophysics and bioinformatics to business.

Doctoral Student Talks about Joint Programme, Complex Systems, and Research during Pandemic
Roman Nesterov, doctoral student and research intern at the Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS Lab), worked distantly long before it became mainstream. For he is a student of a joint doctoral school and works together with Italian researchers. He talks about his research and how to organise a joint doctoral school.

PAIS Laboratory intern
Khalil Mecheraoui, an Algerian intern at the Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS), talks about his internship grant, his work at the laboratory, and the presentation at MACS’Pro conference.
PAIS Lab seminar: Nested Petri Nets: behaviour analysis and time semantics
At the session of our seminar, Leonid Dworzansky (researcher of PAIS Lab) delivered the report «Nested Petri Nets: behaviour analysis and time semantics»
PAIS Lab Seminar: Structural and parametric adaptive synthesis of discrete systems with a given behavior
At the session of our seminar, Petrosov David Aregovich, PhD, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology Belgorod State Agricultural University after V.Y. Gorin delivered the report «Structural and parametric adaptive synthesis of discrete systems with a given behavior»
Pais Lab Seminar: Modular Process Model Repair
At the session of our seminar, Alexey Mitsyuk (junior researcher of PAIS Lab) delivered the report «Modular Process Model Repair»