Seminar on 'Event Log Visualisation with Conditional Partial Order Graphs: From Control Flow to Data'
Andrey Mokhov, lecturer in computer engineering at Newcastle University delivered a report on 'Event Log Visualisation with Conditional Partial Order Graphs' during a PAIS seminar.
Students of the Faculty of Computer Science Delivered Reports at PAIS Lab Seminar
The following speakers presented their reports at PAIS Seminar: Rinat Yusupov (Mining causal relations on events from logs), Yana Manukhina (Process mining approach to user interface design), Maxim Savitsky (Performance analysis using software process mining), Alexander Yugov (Discovering service oriented architecture antipatterns using process mining).
Honorary Lecture 'Data Science: The Science of Big Data' by Wil van der Aalst
On May 28 HSE Honorary Professor, Professor at the Technical University of Eindhoven, Wil van der Aalst delivers a lecture on 'Data Science: The Science of Big Data'.
Seminar on 'Verification of Multi-Agent System Models via Nested Petri Net Unfoldings'
Vera Ermakova, HSE master's student presented the report 'Verification of Multi-Agent System Models via Nested Petri Net Unfoldings' at PAIS seminar.
Seminar 'On Place Invariants of Nested Petri Nets'
Leonid Dworzanski, Senior Lecturer at the School of Software Engineering delivered the report 'On Place Invariants of Nested Petri Nets'.
PAIS Lab Seminar: Comparing business models using graph-edit distance // S. Ivanov
At the session of our seminar Sergey Ivanov (research assistant at PAIS Lab, 4-year student at CSF of HSE) succesfully presented the talk on subject: Comparing business models using graph-edit distance.
PAIS Lab Seminar: Eugeny Mistyukov and Ivan Shugurov
At the session of PAIS Lab seminar were presented two talks by the research assistants of the Lab.
Talk by E. Mistyukov - Log-based transition system recovery.
Talk of I. Shugurov - GENA: Generator of artificial event logs. Current state of work.
PAIS Lab Seminar: research assistants Antonina Begicheva and Natalia Nikitina
Two talks from the research assistants of PAIS Lab.
Antonina Begicheva: Conformance checking algorithms for Petri nets. Natalia Nikitina: Petri net 2D-Layout Algorithms.