Семинар ПОИС: "A Walk through Process Discovery Algorithms"
26 ноября в рамках семинара лаборатории выступит Хулио Карраскель Гамес, аспирант ФКН, с докладом на тему «A Walk through Process Discovery Algorithms».
Время: 18-10, 402 аудитория. Приглашаются все желающие!
Process Mining aims to discover, analyze and improve theperformance of processes. Here, we put our focus in such aninteresting and challenging topic, the process discovery: given anevent log, how to construct a process model that captures thebehavior seen in the log? In this talk we will deal with this problem.First, we will introduce the Alpha algorithm, a first algorithm thatadequately dealt with concurrency. However, we will present somedeficiencies that it has when dealing in more practical scenarios, aswe will introduce some quality measures that an ideal discoveryalgorithm should take into account.Thus, we will present some smarter approaches: the region-basedmining, based on constructing transition systems based on the eventlog, and then to identify regions; the inductive mining which relies onthe discovery of process trees; and the fuzzy miner, based on themetaphor of cartography maps with the ability of zoom-in/zoom-outprocesses. Our walk concludes showing a motivating example ofapplying process discovery algorithms on smart spaces using theprocess mining tools ProM and Disco.