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Carassius: Simple Petri Net Editor

Carassius LogoCarassius is a tool for editing of Petri nets and graphs.

It allows to create and edit models in a very simple manner. Carassius has features for model arrangements and formatting, thus it makes a model more readable and demonstrative. With Carassius one can simply construct the model and export automatically generated TeX-code for the paper. Petri net models stored in a format compatible with well-known ProM 6.4 Framework and satisfying the core of PNML 2011 Standard.

Suitable markup languages: PNML and graphML.
System reqs: MS Windows and .NET Framework 4.0 or higher.

If you have any questions, please contact: amitsyuk AT hse.ru

The main contributors of Carassius project are Alexey Mitsyuk and Natalya Nikitina (student assistant at PAIS Lab).
Minor contributions was made by Nikolay Chuikin (HSE student - LaTeX export), Semen Obukhov (HSE student).

Download (just unpack the files and run application, no install is needed). 
Any feedback is welcome at the page!

Carassius Screenshot
Paper describing the tool: N. Nikitina, A. Mitsyuk. Carassius: A Simple Process Model Editor // Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming. 2015. Vol. 27. No. 3. P. 219-236.


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