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Возможности и ограничения формальных методов анализа и разработки бизнес-процессов // Joseph Barjis

Заседание научного семинара лаборатории ПОИС состоялось 27 мая в 18:30.

С докладом по теме Possibilities and limitations of formal methods for business process analysis and design выступил Joseph Barjis, associate professor Технического университета города Дельфт (Нидерланды).

Авторская аннотация: Formal methods allow automatic analysis of business processes, performance analysis under different capacities, impact of reallocation of organizational resources on key performance indicators, and many other studies. However, it is not possible to study behavior of these business processes over time with variable processing capacities. Furthermore, business processes emerge as interaction of human actors while they comply with their commitments in an organization. This social aspect is not possible to capture with formal methods. In this presentation, I will discuss possibilities and limitations of formal methods for business process analysis and design.

Слайды: BPModeling.pdf


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