Семинар лаборатории ПОИС: On place invariants of nested Petri nets. Часть 1 // Л. Дворянский
На очередном заседании нашего семинара выступил научный сотрудник лаборатории ПОИС, старший преподаватель департамента программной инженерии Леонид Дворянский. Тема его доклада: On place invariants of nested Petri nets. Часть 1.
Аннотация: Invariants are a basic analysis tool for Petri nets of different kinds.
Invariants and means to find them were studied for almost every variant of Petri nets.
While invariants for place/transitions nets are quite simple notion and there are efficient algorithms to find them, invariants for other Petri net calculi are not so easy to tackle.
For coloured and algebraic Petri nets, algorithms to find invariants are studied only for some subclasses.
In this talk I will tell about the rather simple idea of invariants in nested Petri nets and how to find them.Слайды:
NPinvariants_presentation (PDF, 293 Кб)